Bella checking out baby Carmen, who was born in May. She's borrowing Bella's car-seat here to sleep while Bella and the cousins play.
Bella, 9mos.
Hi again everyone...
I've been having an extremely difficult time aquiring pictures, and it seems that I never like to post blogs without them. It looks so boring without pictures. Anyway, I still have yet to post the birthday ones in July, because Freddy has the camera still. But I have a couple of new Bella pictures sent to me from a cousin in Indiana...yes, how sad that I get pictures of my own daughter from someone else. I really need to resolve the camera situation.
In recent news, I've started classes again for the semester. I'm taking a Latin-American history class (by choice) because I find the subject interesting, and a Sociology class by necessity in order to get my degree. Both classes are pretty easy for me so far, and I like my teachers. I'm also still working part-time.
Dorian has been up in the morning super early to go to work as usual, however, now I have to drive him to work so that I can use the car during the day. Needless to say, our weekends have become precious.
And...the getting better news....Bella will be a year old before we know it. We are planning quite the party for her, with a princess theme. Dorian's mom and cousin have already bought 30yards of fabric from Los Angeles for table cloths. So here's my pitch: if any of you (that is my friends/family back in the midwest) would like to come out here mid-November, we'd be happy to pick you up at the airport in LA. Unfortunately, I can't pay for airfare for everyone...but if I could, I would!
Here's a couple of pictures that I've aquired from recent days. Enjoy!