Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Hats!

Today has been a really good day so far. I uploaded a video onto facebook of Bella for my brother, and she got two new hats from her gramma! I never knew she knew how to knit...but apparently it's one of her (many) hidden talents.

I cleaned a lot today and feel very accomplished from what I have done. Bella has been a good girl today, and we got a break last night, because she stayed with her grandma. She also has new bottles that are shaped exactly like her pacifers...those things are amazing, because now she likes her binky (pacifier) more. This is something mommy likes VERY much!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Ugh...I'm having so much trouble keeping up with this thing!

Anyway, Christmas has already come and gone. I won't say it's been the easiest Christmas I've ever had, but what I can say is that it has been an establishing one. Being away from home has been difficult this year, but it was good to have an independent Christmas as well. I even watched skating on TV, which made me feel happy. I have to get back on the ice soon, before I go crazy! =)

Bella has been her normal self, as you can imagine, and on Christmas day turned 6weeks old. I have to go back in for my "post" doctor's appointment soon. For Christmas, Bella got a really pretty dress and shoes, as well as cute earings. They're diamond stud ones. I'm sure my family at home will freak out over this...just wait until I hear what they have to say about

I talked to both my brother and grandma on Christmas, and was very glad to hear from them. Apparently my cousin made a bunch of sweets for Christmas, and went nuts baking. From what I heard, people had to take home pies, squares, and an assortment of small cakes and cookies afterward!

All in all, we look forward soon to 2008, and I hope everyone reading this had a very Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 14, 2007

1 Month Old!!!

Apparently I'm getting worse at this whole "lets keep up the blog" thing. Hopefully things will go in a better direction from here.

Yesterday Bella had her 1 month birthday! She is definitely keeping up with drinking her bottles, and that is pretty much all she wants for Christmas this year. "Santa: I'd like my stocking to be full of bottles, please!"

We have quite a pretty Christmas tree up in the house now, and Isabella LOVES it. She stares at it night and day, and as long as her diaper is changed and her tummy is full, the Christmas tree will keep her occupied.

Also yesterday Bella got presents from Jenna & John. She got a bunch of clothes, a Christmas spoon ordiment, and a little stuffed frog-prince. Perfect for the little princess that she is.

Well, to be honest, there hasn't been any "big" news since Thanksgiving. I did register for school at Bakersfield College for the spring semester. I'm definitely excited about that!

Otherwise, just keepin' on keepin' on. Bella gets bigger every day! =)