Wednesday, February 13, 2008

3 Months Old!!!

Today Bella is 3 months old!!! She is wearing a pretty new dress, and is sitting here on my lap watching me type. I can't believe I don't have a newborn anymore...she's growing up so fast already!

Bella has completed everything she should be able to do by this time and more. She's a professional eye-tracker, smiles on command, supports her head well, and can almost already sit up on her own. Her hand-eye coordination is improving, and she loves listening to music. Today she was doing her tummy-time on the bed with the boom box singing along to "Hoedown from 'Rodeo'", and Rossini's "William Tell Overature". They are on a CD I have called 'Good Music for Little Guys'. It's so cute that she thinks she can sing already. She enjoys anything with a strong beat that has contrast. The quieter or slower parts of a song she still misses out on, but once she hears a fast tempo or a loud timpani she's all ears. It also helps that the boom box lights up.

I don't know what is in store for today, but the room is clean and the laundry is I'm going to spend some good mommy-Bella time today. Hurray for my little princess!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I'm so glad this morning is over. The hardest days to wake up are Tuesdays, after being in class on Monday nights! Bella's been a good girl we took a couple of new pictures. The first picture I think is pretty, so I posted it. In the second...well, I just had to put it up, It's the most serious face ever! I couldn't stop laughing. The third demonstrates progression: her blowing bubbles...a new favorite activity.

Monday, February 11, 2008


What a girl!

Yesterday we had a very nice Sunday. The whole family went to "John's Incredible Pizza", and pizza place/arcade. There are go-carts, games, bumper's kinda like a little version of Chuck-e-cheese. They have the "Deal or No Deal" game there, which was so crowded I didn't get a chance to play...but I really want to next time! Anyway, I was glad to get out. Although, me and Dorian's go-cart was like the slowest I still have tickets saved up for the next time we go!!! Yes, I am going to get one sweet prize.

Today was busy, and I still have to go to my other class, so it's not over yet. Bella has been a good girl all day, and is currently sleeping again, hence I can write this. I figured out how to log into the computers at the library, so that makes me happy. Maybe I'll write my next blog entry at school, who knows!

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Yesterday Bella did two new things that I haven't seen her do before. She can pick up a small toy now. I was so happy for her, that the first time I clapped for her out of excitement, she got scared and cried. Poor is so hard for a little baby...haha. You should see her face, it's so concentrated when she's "in the zone" of doing things with her hands. I've gotta get a good picture of it. Maybe I'll try to capture it on a picture or video later. The other thing, is that I saw her rub her eyes for the first time. She obviously was quite a tired little girl.

Today so far has been like most other days. Bella slept a little more last night, and so it was nice to get some extra rest for a change. She's sleeping right now, again...which I find interesting, because she hasn't slept that much in a while. We went to the store this morning, and I saw all the Valentines Day balloons, etc. That made me happy to see the store so pretty...yes, the unfortunate higlight of my day so far...haha.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

As Promised.

Bella playing on bed.

Bella watching Youtube videos. Notice the concentration level: high.

Me and Bella.

As promised, a couple of newer pictures of Bella. I don't have a lot of computer time, because I hope to finish the laundry and clean the room before Dorian comes back! Yay for not having classes today!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

New Stuff...

Yesterday I got a ride to school because there wasn't a car available due to Dorian's brothers both working the night shifts. I got to spend time with my new friend Patty though, as she drove me. She is super nice, and after we took our exam (which was very easy, and thus made my day) she came over to see the baby. I'm glad I have at least one new friend at school!

In Bella news, there have been a couple of new things. The other day, she had what I would consider to be her first laugh. It was so cute. She smiles a lot, and she LOVES to listen to music. Youtube is her best friend right now. We choose music that has a lot of colors on the screen, such as Veggie Tales or (believe it or not) Justin Timberlake. For some reason, she really likes a couple of those. Don't worry, they're not the bad ones...haha.

Today we had quite the morning. Bella is starting to do things with her hands like try and grab her bottle or hit swinging things. Everything gets pulled to her mouth, of course. I don't know if she has officially "discovered her hands", because there's no hand-eye contact, but she definitely is trying to make an effort. However, her new thing is blowing spit bubbles.! She smiles really big after she does it, as if she knows she's being funny. I have yet to capture it on video, but when I do, be sure to notice. She has been doing it all morning.

Tomorrow I don't have class...yay! This is good for many reasons. One of them being sleeping in, and taking charge of Bella for the night. Dorian's been up with her the past couple of nights due to my schooling.

That's it for now...I took new pictures, but am on the wrong computer to upload I'll have to upload them later today or tomorrow.

Friday, February 1, 2008


I know, I already posted for today...but I saw that Mary had a video...and I just had to copy her. Her baby is so cute, and I just wanted to see if I could post a video too! (Mary, I hope you excuse the "copy cat" that I am!)

Anyway, here's Bella playing. Unlike Emily, she loves tummy-time!

Fire at PMA

So I heard the other day that the Phi Mu Alpha house had cought fire. Everyone was okay, and the house is repairable, but it apparently gave everyone a scare back at IWU. Good thing the SAIs were there to give the guys some place to stay for the night. Now, even with as many things as I don't like about the IWU chapter of SAI at the moment, I can at least say that. And even though there are some people with whom I'm extremely angry, I am also proud of the fact that my sisters could lend a hand. I guess they're putting the boys in temporary housing...and hopefully giving them some extra cash to replace what was lost. There are pictures of the damage on facebook, on some of the boys' profiles. They're calling it "The Great PMA Fire of 2008."

Today, Bella woke up hot and sweaty, and so I'm letting her play without blankets in her bed for a while. She seems pretty happy with the idea in general. Dorian stayed up all night with her again last night, in order to let me sleep. (This, of course, I thought was very cute!) Anyway, I hope the day as it goes on will lighten up, as it's already dark and rainy outside. Bella and I shall get in some good mommy-daughter time!