Wednesday, February 13, 2008

3 Months Old!!!

Today Bella is 3 months old!!! She is wearing a pretty new dress, and is sitting here on my lap watching me type. I can't believe I don't have a newborn anymore...she's growing up so fast already!

Bella has completed everything she should be able to do by this time and more. She's a professional eye-tracker, smiles on command, supports her head well, and can almost already sit up on her own. Her hand-eye coordination is improving, and she loves listening to music. Today she was doing her tummy-time on the bed with the boom box singing along to "Hoedown from 'Rodeo'", and Rossini's "William Tell Overature". They are on a CD I have called 'Good Music for Little Guys'. It's so cute that she thinks she can sing already. She enjoys anything with a strong beat that has contrast. The quieter or slower parts of a song she still misses out on, but once she hears a fast tempo or a loud timpani she's all ears. It also helps that the boom box lights up.

I don't know what is in store for today, but the room is clean and the laundry is I'm going to spend some good mommy-Bella time today. Hurray for my little princess!!!

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