Wednesday, February 6, 2008

New Stuff...

Yesterday I got a ride to school because there wasn't a car available due to Dorian's brothers both working the night shifts. I got to spend time with my new friend Patty though, as she drove me. She is super nice, and after we took our exam (which was very easy, and thus made my day) she came over to see the baby. I'm glad I have at least one new friend at school!

In Bella news, there have been a couple of new things. The other day, she had what I would consider to be her first laugh. It was so cute. She smiles a lot, and she LOVES to listen to music. Youtube is her best friend right now. We choose music that has a lot of colors on the screen, such as Veggie Tales or (believe it or not) Justin Timberlake. For some reason, she really likes a couple of those. Don't worry, they're not the bad ones...haha.

Today we had quite the morning. Bella is starting to do things with her hands like try and grab her bottle or hit swinging things. Everything gets pulled to her mouth, of course. I don't know if she has officially "discovered her hands", because there's no hand-eye contact, but she definitely is trying to make an effort. However, her new thing is blowing spit bubbles.! She smiles really big after she does it, as if she knows she's being funny. I have yet to capture it on video, but when I do, be sure to notice. She has been doing it all morning.

Tomorrow I don't have class...yay! This is good for many reasons. One of them being sleeping in, and taking charge of Bella for the night. Dorian's been up with her the past couple of nights due to my schooling.

That's it for now...I took new pictures, but am on the wrong computer to upload I'll have to upload them later today or tomorrow.

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