Thursday, November 13, 2008


Today Bella is a year old! I don't have much time to post, but I just had to put something on here for my little princess.

To Bella:
Daddy and I can't believe how you've grown the past year. Did you know that you've been a strong and demanding girl from the start?

I hated leaving you in the hospital for your first week of life, but the doctors and nurses took care of you. When you finally came home you had so many people who wanted to see you that there wasn't enough time in the day to see everyone. But you instantly loved the attention.

In your first month, you only wanted your bottle, since that's the milk you recieved in the hospital. And what an eater you were!!! You would have had all the bottles at once if you could!

In your second month, you had your first Christmas. Never has there been a better girl for Santa. You got lots of toys and even more clothes (especially dresses). You were such a good girl that you only cried when you were hungry or needed something.

In your third month, you started to roll over from your tummy to your back on a regular basis. This meant that Daddy and I had to keep a closer watch on you when changing your diaper, or drawing your bath water. Your exploring days had begun!

In your fourth month, you began to smile and laugh when things were funny. Daddy and I tried so hard to get you to laugh before that, but it wasn't until now that you liked the silly stuff.

In your fifth month, you went to the park for the first time. Miss Nayeli and I took you to see and play with the little kids, and you wanted to join the fun, but couldn't do much other than go into the swing...but you were scared of the swing, so Mommie took you on the slide on her lap instead.

In your sixth month, you decided that anything within your reach was automaticly yours. We had to keep the area clear of things you might be interested in that could have hurt you.

In your seventh month, you began to crawl. First, you decided that you wanted to just push your right foot and "scoot" on your tummy towards what you wanted. And then eventually you got up on all fours and "rocked" back and fourth.

In your eighth month, you had figured it out. Now you were crawling at a good rate of speed. You started babbling a lot more, instead of just saying "da-da" like you had done earlier.

In your ninth month, you clapped your hands on command. It was so fun to say "yay Bella!" and see your little excited face light up. You also learned how to pull yourself up onto your feet in your bed with support.

In your 10th month you were impossible to walk away from. You had figured out how to climb onto your changer from inside your pack-n-play bed, and were able to stand up without help. You also began to dance to music by "squatting" up and down to the beat.

In your 11th month, you finally accomplished the task of walking. First you would only try and take a few steps on the bed, and would only try there. Eventually you decided that the ground was safe, and slowly added steps to your attempts. By the end of this month you have accomplished walking all over, and even walking really fast to the things you are most interested in. You have full out arguments with people when you don't get your way, and your list of words include "Oh-oh", "Da-da", "eeee---yah" (ewww) or (yeah when said fast), and the suprised inhale of "huoooh!!". Never has there been a more accomplished girl. We are so proud of you!

Today begins your 12th month and 2nd year of life. We can't wait to see what you will accomplish next. It was only yesterday, that you learned how to play "peek-a-boo" with your own hands. I'm so glad that entertains you!!! You are a very special little girl and Mommie and Daddy love you very, very much. Enjoy your "Elmo's World" today as usual, and your 1st birthday party on Saturday!!! What a little princess!!!


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