Wednesday, November 21, 2007

1 week old! (And a day)

Tomorrow is my due date, and let me tell you...I'm so happy I didn't have to wait that long! Bella would be almost 8lbs if she would have taken the full 40 weeks! It was kinda cool to be due on Thanksgiving, but I'm glad I actually can share Thanksgiving with everyone, instead of being in the hospital.

Bella came home on Monday at around 4pm. She's been such a good baby, and she only cries when she needs something. She sleeps most of the day, and her favorite thing to do right now is explore her surroundings after her bottle. We've had quite a bit of family over to see her over the past couple of days, and practically everyone has seen her asleep. I'm hoping Thanksgiving will show her true colors...haha.

Our first night home (Monday night) was one of the longest nights ever, but an adventure all the same. Dorian and I took turns feeding her, changing her, and comforting her every couple of hours. I think he actually was awake more than I was though, because anytime she even whimpered he shot up out of bed to see what she needed. He's taking to the Daddy thing really well. Sometimes I can see he's frustrated (anyone would be with how often she wakes up), but he's always patient with her, and she loves to cuddle with him.

Breastfeeding has been particularly difficult for Bella and Mommy, because she had been in the NICU for her whole first week. She LOVES her bottle, and gets very upset when I try to feed her otherwise. We're still working on it, and I'm trying to not give up. We'll see how the next few days progress.

Yesterday Bella was 1 week old, and had to go see the pediatrician. Man, was THAT interesting. We had to work through a bunch of paperwork to get her enrolled, and then we waited for quite a bit more time before being called. I didn't like being in the waiting room, because there were a lot of kids there, and I really didn't want her to get sick. We made a "bio-dome" out of her car seat with a thick blanket, so I'm hoping that helped.

When it was time to weigh her and take her temperature, Bella was the most cranky I've ever seen her. She got MAD! Although, I don't blame her. I wouldn't want my temperature taken in my rear either. She is the same length, but weighs 7lbs 13oz now (up 3 oz from birth). When she was being weighed, she was so feisty that she scratched her face, yet again, and left quite a mark. I wasn't happy about it, because everyone wanted to know why she had a scratch on her face. It's much better today though, practically gone, thank goodness. Other than that, her doctor's appointment was completely normal, and was accompanied by a whole list of the "do's and don'ts" that we've heard over and over in the NICU.

Today is a lazy day of getting paperwork together, and taking care of little details that weren't ironed out before. We feel much better, and we'll be enjoying Thanksgiving tomorrow! Too bad Bella's turkey will taste a lot like formula!

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